Saturday 14 December 2013

Apple in 1980 - 1990 ........

The time when Apple is started working on their growth lets see how this done …….

In 1980's Apple : 

            Lisa Project introduced:
In march: Lisa project revamped to include all the features of the Alto, with several more. Rothmuller complains the specs are too much to be accomplished if they want to retain the current release schedule and keep the final price reasonable. Jobs fires Rothmuller for "not cooperating", later replaced by John also in April Apple III is released at the National Computer Conference (NCC) for $4340 to $7800 depending on configuration.

Apple goes public:

In December. Apple's share rises 32% that day, making 40 employees instant millionares. Jobs, the largest shareholder, makes $217 million dollars alone. Markkula makes $203 million that day, an incomprehensible 220,700% return on investment . Neither Jef Raskin, nor Daniel Kottke (one of the original Apple employees) were allowed to buy stock and so made no money during this time. 



Jobs forces himself into the Macintosh Project, after earlier dismissing and often trying to cancel it.    In March Mike Markkula becomes president of Apple. The original ship date for the Lisa is missed, coming out 3 years later. 

Xerox Star is introduced:

In June an improved variation of the Alto, the $16,595 Xerox Star is introduced at NCC. It included dragging and double clicking of icons.  it is a rather pitiful computer that rarely reached the efficiency of the Apple II released 4 years earlier. Nevertheless, it becomes an instant success. 

: Process in 1982:

Apple becomes billion:
Apple Computer becomes the first personal computer company to reach US$1 billion in annual sales and also Microsoft signs an agreement to develop applications for the Macintosh.
Starting of BASIC interpreter for the Mac:
In the year of 1982 Jobs convinces Bill to write a BASIC interpreter for the Mac. This will become the failed MS BASIC and in February The Mac case-design is finished and finally approved. All the signatures of the members of the project are placed inside the mold.

Raskin officially resigns:
In March, after Jobs forces Raskin out of the Macintosh project, he officially resigns.
With LISA July 30:
 The applications bundled with the Lisa finally work together under the OS for the first time and in September, Lisa is declared ready for market.


  1. its nice i like it getting info of apply growth....

  2. its nice i just loving it i m getting how the apple growing ...
